Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Leusden, J.W.R. van

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The association between eye contact, attachment style and trust among physicians and patients
The association between parental food intake and support for healthy eating and child’s food intake
Attentional processing of itch: Attentional engagement and itch experience in healthy subjects
The effects of sleep quality and perfectionism on cortisol response in healthy adults
Influence of sleep quality and worry on the cortisol response to experimentally induced stress
Effect of sleep quality and fatigue on the relationship between stress and cortisol
Life satisfaction in older individuals: Measured with the emic ‘Life and Vitality Assessment’
Worrying affects stress, but does not moderate the relationship between sleep quality and subjective stress
The usability of an internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain
Effecten van training van inhibitoire controle op pijngevoeligheid
Beïnvloedt catastroferen de relatie tussen inhibitoire controle en pijngevoeligheid?
De invloed van acute stress op de relatie tussen inhibitoire controle en pijn
De invloed van slaapkwaliteit en neuroticisme op de subjectieve stressreactiviteit na de TSST en KWT
Gender differences in pain sensitivity across different modalities: are women more sensitive to pain?
