Leiden University Student Repository

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Alternative Understandings of Climate Change and Related Actions
Rejoining the Circle: The Climate Crisis as Crisis of Spirit
What is water?
Plant Happy, I'm Happy: Exploration into human-plant relationship more than useful in the Netherlands
Natural Disasters as Critical Junctures
“The market will take care of it”
Disastrous Governance: How market practices shape inequality in both exposure to and recovery from disasters
Eating Identity
Duurzame  ontwikkeling en  neoliberalisme,  in hoeverre kan  dat  samengaan?
Petro-Practices: The Influence of the Oil Industry on  Local Communities within Neoliberalism
Can CSR practices mitigate negative impacts of  transnational corporate activities on  local economies & ecologies?
Touching Absence: A haptic visual exploration of the phenomenom of huidhonger in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands
Supporting and Supported? Experiencing first-time fatherhood in times of COVID-19
Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of the LGBTQ+ Community
Behind the Mask  of Equality
Paths Unknown
Biodiversity in Singapore's urban landscape: Where do wildlife belong?
Living in a depopulated village:  sustainable livelihoods and the promise of future
Meeting life in Plum Village
