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(21 - 28 of 28)


How and why have attitudes in Japan towards Japan and Taiwan's shared wartime history changed since the end of World War II?
Living apart together in Batavia: The creation of a multicultural city in the 18th century
Modern Multi-Ethnic Empires: A Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority Policies in Manchukuo and the Soviet Union
Shifting Ideologies: From Traditional Expansionism to Western Colonialism - A Comparative Analysis Between the Seikan Debate and the Taiwan Expedition
The Apparition of a Hometown: The Blind Spot for Furusato in the Governments Cultural Heritage Preservation Programs
A railway station as a public space: The case of Tokyo
Between Liberalism and Imperialism. Yanaihara Tadao's Colonial Thought Reconsidered
Japan and China: Welke factoren waren van invloed op hum militaire modernisering?
