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(1 - 15 of 15)
Ceramic Synergy: The position of Deir 'Alla in the Middle to Late Bronze Age transition based on pottery and settlement patterns
Troje, Poliochni en de 'Basket-Shaped' Oorbellen, Rijkdom en Handel in de Vroege Bronstijd
Ontwikkelingen in de Mesopotamische glyptiek. Ontwikkelingen in de glyptiek op rolzegels in de Vroeg Dynastische, Akkadische, Oud Babylonische en Midden-Assyrische periode.
Rond versus Rechthoekig. Waarom mensen hun eerste huizen rond bouwden, maar daar later op terug kwamen.
To which the world sails. Egyptian travel, trade, and trafsformation in the second millennium BCE
The “woman at the window” in the Near Eastern art
Irrigation. There is more to discover. Archaeological study in the territory of Gadara (Jordan)
Riding Astride. A Revaluation of Early Riding Technique in the Near East During the 3rd‐2nd Millennium BC
The implications of the concept of "mobility" on theoretical models of social development in the archaeology of Ancient Near East
Andirons in Association with Early Transcaucasian Wares: Indications of Identity during the Early Bronze Age.
Butterfly iconography in ancient Egypt. A detailed study
De Filistijnen. Hoe herkennen we de Filistijnen in de archeologische resten?
Canaanite Death Rituals in the Southern Levant. An evolutionary approach to Northern Palestinian burial practices during the Middle Bronze IIA Period at Gesher
Aspects of Achaemenid Art
Temple town Elephantine. Incorporation of temples and sanctuaries in the town