Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 22)


The Impact of Global Events on Reform Strategies within International Organizations – A historical institutionalist perspective on Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly of the United Nations
(Self-)Determined Diasporas: Comparing Diaspora Diplomacy for Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabakh
The Blushing Bear: What lessons can be drawn from the French defeat and humiliation in the late 19th century when considering the potential of Russia to scramble for Outer Space?
The LGBT-Diplomat
How Does Political Public Relations (PPR) Contribute to the Debate on Citizen Participation in Foreign Policy?
At the forefront of a competition for natural resources - can the Dutch succeed with diplomacy?
Corporate Diplomacy of the Oil & Gas Sector in the Netherlands
Communist Discourse and the Development of Chinese Diplomatic Doctrine under Xi Jinping
An Assessment of International Cyber Security Policy
The Influence of International Judicial Governance Institutions on Judicial Independence
The Legality and Legitimacy of the EU-Turkey Agreement on Refugees
Inside the G20: Process of Legitimization at a Contested Mechanism of Global Governance
Public Diplomacy in the Dutch MFA: Views and Strategies for Domestic Audiences and Dialogue Online
Land as a Financialized Commodity: The Financial Market Dynamics in the Global 'Land Grab'
Russian foreign policy towards European Union: A path towards re-evaluation and re-orientation?
Catalan paradiplomacy, secessionism and state sovereignty: The effects of the 2006 Statute of Autonomy and the Artur Mas government on Catalan paradiplomacy
Bridging the Gap to Represent: The EEAS and Coherence in European Foreign Policy
What to Do? Commercial Diplomacy Strategies
Mobilisation and Demobilisation of Republican Paramilitary Groups in Northern Ireland
Mediating Trans-Boundary Water Conflicts: Issues and Approaches to Long-Term Resources Management and Conflict Resolution
