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(1 - 20 of 36)


Strategic Coherence and Consistent Cooperation
Deciphering Russia's Propaganda Evolution: Tracing the Shift from the Russo-Georgian War to the Annexation of Crimea
Analyzing the contributions of Russian influence towards the perception of NATO enlargement in Ukraine in the 21st century
Framing Identity after the Zeitenwende
Limitations on violence
The Somme Offensive: Politics and Douglas Haig
The Environmental Toll: Transnational Organized Criminal Networks in the Amazon Region and Their Impact on Brazil
The Dynamics of Restraint: An Analysis of Changes in Rival State Behaviour in Cyberspace from 2000-2020
Safavid Dreams and Mongol Realities
The Game Designer’s Perspective of World War II and Their Narrative Influence
The ‘Soft’ Europeanization of EU Member States Cybersecurity Strategies
Between Nasserist Ideology and Practice: A Postcolonial Critique of Egypt's Intervention in Yemen, 1962-1967
Nazi propaganda and its’ impact on public support for the Nazi regime
Wielding the Gladio: political and strategic role of the stay-behind network in Italy during the first years of the Cold War
Major Change
East Europe in the Post-Communist Era: The Cases of Bulgaria and the Czech Republic
