Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 20 of 20)
The nature of acting out: The role of the parental bond in the link between parent-child conflict and externalising problem behaviour
Parental suppression and children's anxiety symptoms: The moderating role of children's age
Exploring the role of parental suppression of emotion as moderator in the relationship between parent Covid-19 fears and child Covid-19 fears
Association between parent and infant attention bias
The link between parental stress and the attentional bias towards threat in infants
Rachman’s Pathway of Verbal Information Transmission: Children’s Fear of the Covid-19
Parental Fear Transmission during Covid-19
The Pathways of the Fear Acquisition of the COVID-19 in Children in the Netherlands
Fear of Covid19 transmission in the family and cognitive emotion regulation strategies
Association between parent  and infant attention bias: the  role of parental anxiety
Assessment of Short-Term  Suicide Ideation Predictors Using  Ecological Momentary  Assessment: A Case Study
The link between parent and infant arousal: The role of infant temperament
The Influence of Anxiety and Rumination on Heart Rate Variability
Does infant attention bias to  threat relate to parental stress?
Attention bias to threat in  infants and parents: child  temperament as moderator
Parental anxiety and infants’  attention bias towards  fearful faces
STEPPS program as a treatment for emotion regulation problems in bipolar disorder patients
Relationship Between Chronotype and Depression Mediated by Alcohol Abuse and Smoking