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Zandrijk en veenarm? De spreiding en eigenschappen van waterputten en -kelders in laatmiddeleeuws en nieuwetijds Den Haag.
Drinking Water: liquid gold of the city. An urban archaeological study of the cisterns in Early Modern Amsterdam (1650-1850)
Bier en beerputten in oud Delft
Manorial or normal?
Tracing Changing Beverage Consumption Trends with a Special Focus on the Low Countries: Through the Analysis of Stoneware Drinking Vessels, 1300-1600 CE
Plan or Process? The medieval fortifications of utrecht from the 12th to 15th century
The Patriot behind the Pot: A historical and archaeological study of ceramics, glassware and politics in the Dutch household of the Revolutionary Era: 1780-1815
Plan or proces? The construction of late medieval town walls of 's-Hertogenbosch, Zevenbergen and Breda: a well prepared masterplan or an evolving process?
Agrarianism in a boomtown. The proto-urban origins of 13th century ‘s-Hertogenbosch