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(1 - 16 of 16)
The European Space Policy: assessing its contribution to the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy through the lenses of neofunctionalism
Lobbying within the European Committee of the Regions by Dutch members: multilevel governance in practice
Europol and its weak counter-terrorism role
Space and spillover: a neofunctionalist analysis of European space policy’s impact on EU security and defence
Euroscepticism revisited: the 2016 Leave Vote. Beyond the identity approach.
To what extent has Euroscepticism impacted upon policy development within the European Union?
EU's response to the threat of backsliding democracies
The Dynamic World of Development Cooperation. Does the current international situation endanger the European Union as a donor in Africa?
The securitisation of migration during the refugee crisis: The role of the EU institutes.
Navigating troubled waters: An assessment of the possibility of effective EU mediation in the South China Sea dispute
Europe on a journey, destination unknown.
The multilateral effect of Dutch-German bilateralism  in the European Union
Civil Society Participation in EU Policy-Making ‘Greening’ in the 2013 CAP Reform
European Neighbourhood Policy: An analysis of the policy-formation process
European Economic Integration and Countries in Transition: Lessons from Portugal
EU Multilateral Representation in the UNGA and UNSC: Work in Progress?