Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 20 of 24)


Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Participation Act in reducing Employment and Income Inequalities in the Netherlands
Het effect van WW-gerechtigdheid  op post-WW werktevredenheid
De werkloosheidsuitkering op de schop
Arbeidsparticipatie van vrouwen bij een verlaging van de kinderopvangtoeslag: een kwantitatieve analyse
De starheid van de Bijstand
Job insecurity and the consumption of (non) durable goods
The effects of social assistance reform
Health inequality in the Netherlands
Self-employed in the Dutch pension system
Better off alone? A life-cycle approach to studying changed patterns of consumption after widowhood during retirement
The influence of the mortgage interest rate deduction on housing prices
The Gender Pay Gap in The Netherlands
Financial Literacy and Wealth Accumulation
The effects of Meat Consumption on Health and the role of Socio-economic status
Retirement effects on health
