Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(61 - 80 of 111)


Association between catastrophizing and attentional interference by pain
The influence of expectancy and optimism on motor learning
The influence of oxytocin on sensitivity to cold- and heat pain
Conditioned pain modulation: What is the association between optimism and the CPM-effect?
The role of dispositional mindfulness in the effect of inhibitory control on pain
De invloed van persoonlijkheidsfactoren en verwachtingen op de huidconditie
Rhythms in dreamlike and worrisome thoughts during waking
Conditioned pain modulation and cognitive inhibition in fibromyalgia patients
Effecten van verbale suggestie op zelf-gerapporteerde huidconditie en huidtemperatuur
Influence of task-related music on stress and motor performance
Worrying affects stress, but does not moderate the relationship between sleep quality and subjective stress
Effecten van training van inhibitoire controle op pijngevoeligheid
