Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(81 - 100 of 111)


Determinants of Chronic Fatigue (Syndrome) and related outcomes
Reumatoïde artritis en de circadiaanse lichaamsklok
Responses to the Trier social stress test after behavioural conditioning of cortisol
The relationship between social jetlag and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Beïnvloedt catastroferen de relatie tussen inhibitoire controle en pijngevoeligheid?
De invloed van acute stress op de relatie tussen inhibitoire controle en pijn
The effect of dispositional optimism on the experience of pain: Does anxiety work as a mediator?
The association between disturbed sleep rhythms and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
De invloed van slaapkwaliteit en neuroticisme op de subjectieve stressreactiviteit na de TSST en KWT
Conditioning endogenous cortisol levels: The contributing role of outcome expectations
Gender differences in pain sensitivity across different modalities: are women more sensitive to pain?
De relatie tussen inhibitoire controle en pijn gevoeligheid
Near and far transfer effects of inhibitory control training on inhibitory tasks in healthy participants
