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  • (-) = Vries, Mark Leon de

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(1 - 15 of 15)
The Deacons for Defense and Justice: Revolutionary Force or Defensive Necessity?
Vergeven, maar niet vergeten: De invloed van de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog op de identiteitsvorming van Nederlandse immigranten.
Zachte waarheid en harde leugens
Gevangen door vrij spel
Let's Talk Trash: Zero Waste Initiatives in San Francisco and Toronto
Flint’s Water Crisis: A Case of Environmental Racism
Uncertainty and Doubt: How a Network of Skeptics is Stalling Climate Change Mitigation Policies in the United States
Re-writing history: How the Sons of Confederate Veterans legitimize Neo-Confederate Ideology in the southern United States on the Basis of Collective Memory
The Role of Conservative Think Tanks in Minimum Wage Raises in the United States
Van Walker River tot Wounded Knee
Women Candidates and the United States Presidency: A comparative analysis
Polarized Politics: How Citizens United v. FEC increased negative campaign financing
Women in the Weather Underground: A Multileveled Approach
Why did Truman use the atomic bomb?