Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 61)


Extending Clusterwise ICA (C-ICA to distinguish between common and distinctive components
Subspace Independent Component Analysis (SICA)
CLusterwise INdividual Differences SCALing (CLINDSCAL) for discovering heterogeneity in dynamic connectivity patterns in multi-subject fMRI data
Investigating interpersonal synchrony methods
Studying synchrony between interacting subjects
Studying measures for interpersonal synchrony in brain responseby means of applying graph theory measures to EEG data
The effect of different variables associations onthe prediction accuracy of Statistical Matchingwith categorical data
Investigating model order selection methods  for Clusterwise ICA (C-ICA)
The development of cut-off points for multi-dimensional constructs.
A comparison of machine learning techniques for combining heterogeneous neuroimaging data sources in the context of classifying individual clinical status
How to integrate multimodal information to improve classification performance?
Investigating the accuracy of model selection methods of independent component analysis
Synchronie in koppels: Effect van verschillende analysemethoden op het terugvinden van synchronie in een dataset
Development of a statistical matching method with categorical data
Text mining of fMRI at full resolution by energy coding and entropy bagging of "resting state" series
