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Afvalplaatsing in Leiden!
Factoren van Afvalverwerkingsintenties in de Gemeente Leiden
The Effects of Moral Identity and Stereotyping of Gay Entrepreneurs on Purchase Intention
The effectiveness of moral appeals on meat consumption
Sociale afstand op het gebied van klimaatverandering: de rol van de morele intuïties schade en eerlijkheid
Polarisatie Omtrent Klimaatverandering
Does in-group identity affect sustainable food consumption?
The Effect of Brand Personality on Consumer Purchase Intention: Morality Dominates Competence in Both Low- and High-Involving Products
The perception of and motives to engage in online ambassadorship, civic virtue, and organizational loyalty
ATTRACTIVE BRANDS: For which brand will you take  out your wallet faster?
Can brands be perceived as moral or competent? The  relation between brand personality, self-congruence and purchase intentions.
Relation between brand  personality and purchase  intention
The effect of brands competence  and morality on purchase  intention, loyalty, and gender
Moral Behaviour over Competence
The Perception of Brand  Personalities
Purchase Intention and the  Relation with Brand Morality  and Competence
