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  • (-) ≠ Dr. Rahmane Idrissa

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(81 - 100 of 113)


Together Yet Fragmented: A Comparative Case Study of the Women and Disability Movements’ Collective Identity Formation and Maintenance in Sierra Leone
'It's Sanity in the Midst of Insanity' Nigeria's Covenant University as a Political Choice of Order
''You Have to Know How to Play, Otherwise They Will Catch You'': Young Women and the Navigation of Same-Sex Intimacies in Contemporary Urban Senegal
Exploring Role Models in Disability Advocacy: the Case of the Young Voices Programme in Zambia
Chasing Riches
Here no king. There no king. Perceptions of Return among Undocumented Nigerians in the Netherlands and Returnees in Nigeria
‘Enough is enough’ - The charismatic revolution of a Senegalese hip hop movement
(E)motion of Saudade: The Embodiment of Solidarity in the Cuban Medical Cooperation in Mozambique
How has RECOPA been increasing the resilience of nomadic Fulani pastoral herders
An assessment of the underwater timber salvation project on the Volta Lake, implications and recommendations: Could the underwater salvation enhance further development in Ghana?
Formalizing Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining; A Case Study of Côte d'Ivoire
The Development of an African Entrepreneurial and Startup 'Hub'
"The Market is Free!" Understanding gender and ethnicity in the marketplace in Lagos
Migration as a livelihood adaptation strategy in Gaza, southern Mozambique: A study on climate change adaptation and livelihood sustainability in the Limpopo River valley
Demonstratives in Amharic
Popular Women’s Magazines in Nigeria: A Study of Discourses of Gender in Identity Formation
Being white in a black society: A study on the social situation of persons with albinism in Malawi
The 'Not Yet' of Society. What does analysis of the main public and private newspapers, The Herald and The Daily News, in Zimbabwe indicate about the role of farm workers in official discourse in the period between September 2001 and September 2002?
