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(21 - 40 of 76)


Up in Flames: Tracing funerary practices in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age urn cremations from Northwestern continental Europe
Herakles: an Immortal Legend? An analysis of the different meanings Herakles is given through time and regions
Messages Woven into Textile from Andean Capacocha Burials: Connecting Technology to Symbolism in Inca Ceremonial Clothing
“You are what you eat” - A regional study on late medieval diet, and how it differs between sexes.
Bijzondere nederzettingsstructuren uit de Midden- en Late Bronstijd op de Laarakker te Haps
The Xiongnu and their connections beyond the Steppes: Discovering signs of complex connectivity within Xiongnu terrace tombs
Determining Deviancy Mortuary analysis of a composite burial at the site of El Carril, Dominican Republic, during the Late Ceramic Age
Flaking technology and bifacial tools in the late Middle Paleolithic of Northwest-Europe
Zandrijk en veenarm? De spreiding en eigenschappen van waterputten en -kelders in laatmiddeleeuws en nieuwetijds Den Haag.
A research into the production and reuse of adzes at the LBK site of Nattenhoven
Grafheuvels hergebruikt
Not a white elephant Plant macrofossil investigation in relation to a recently discovered Palaeoloxodon antiquus at Schöningen site 13II-3 b/c square X690/Y8
A mi ta echte indjan: Assessing the Status of the Amerindian in Contemporary Aruban Culture
Indigenous Peoples Framed. How contemporary documentaries on the archaeology of Central America (re)present Indigenous Peoples and the Indigenous perspective.
Verdwenen grafmonumenten
Urbanisation and its impact on the human skeleton: researching the bone morphological differences between Middenbeemster and Zwolle.
Sex, dental caries, and periodontal disease in medieval  Alkmaar (AD 1448 - 1572)
The patterns found within the skeletal collection of Alkmaar on Linear Enamel Hypoplasia
Mortuary practices in the Middle Neolithic: An archaeothanatological analysis of the burials at Ypenburg-locatie 4 and Schipluiden-Harnaschpolder
