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(61 - 80 of 429)


L'Immaginario dell'Immigrazione
Tell all the Truth but tell it Slant
Depictions of Fascism in 1930s American Literature
Authentically Austen
Thomas Stearns Eliot, George Seferis & Odysseus Elytis: Three Different Approaches Representing and Reflecting the Post- War Era in Europe and Beyond
A Jungian Portrait of Stephen Dedalus' Unconscious Strife
Memory and Time: “The plausibility of a pattern” in the multiple evocations of Samuel Beckett’s essays on Joyce, Proust, the novel Dream of Fair to Middling Women and the play Krapp’s Last Tape.
Diverging from the binary: Gender nonconformity in Early Modern English plays
“Nobody Cares for the Woods Anymore”
“Why did men drink wine and women water?”: Questions of Gender Differences in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Orlando: A Biography, and A Room of One’s Own
Surviving Stratford High: Agency and Community in Young Adult Adaptations of Shakespeare’s Monarchical Tragedies
The Cosmic Horror of Agency in The Magnus Archives
Un'analisi dell'empatia narrativa nei racconti "animaleschi" di Dino Buzzati e Anton Koolhaas
Context is Crucial
Did That Really Happen?
“Pain is Truth” Depicting General Conditions of Gender, Race, and Class in Édouard Louis’s History of Violence
Transforming in Plain Sight: Passing and Performance in Passing, Caucasia, and The Vanishing Half
