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(41 - 60 of 424)


“Well, I Don’t Know About the Rest of You, But I’m Not Enjoying This Bomb:” Youth, Humour and Generational Trauma in Derry Girls
Voice, gender and mobility: haunting private and public spaces in Virginia Woolf's ‘Street Haunting’
Dragons in Literature: From Medieval Hagiography to Ursula K. Le Guin
Unraveling the Prescient Rulership of Paul and Leto Atreides in Dune
Atonement Amongst Shadows
Maleš1Remembering slavery –writing as filling the void of the past: agency, representation and identity in Toni Morrison’s Belovedand Nathan Harris’s The Sweetness of Water
Rewriting Narratives: Ghosts, Trauma, and Memory in Contemporary Anglophone Vietnamese Novels
Religion as a Vehicle for Hypermasculinity in Things Fall Apart and The Poisonwood Bible
Hurting without Help
Representation of Trans* Youth in Magical Realism Young Adult Literature
Monster Mashing the Patriarchy
L'Immaginario dell'Immigrazione
