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  • (-) = Literary Studies (MA
  • (-) ≠ Kardux, Johanna
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(61 - 80 of 457)


Monster Mashing the Patriarchy
L'Immaginario dell'Immigrazione
Tell all the Truth but tell it Slant
Depictions of Fascism in 1930s American Literature
Authentically Austen
Une figure de style parlante et provocatrice
Thomas Stearns Eliot, George Seferis & Odysseus Elytis: Three Different Approaches Representing and Reflecting the Post- War Era in Europe and Beyond
A Jungian Portrait of Stephen Dedalus' Unconscious Strife
Memory and Time: “The plausibility of a pattern” in the multiple evocations of Samuel Beckett’s essays on Joyce, Proust, the novel Dream of Fair to Middling Women and the play Krapp’s Last Tape.
Diverging from the binary: Gender nonconformity in Early Modern English plays
“Nobody Cares for the Woods Anymore”
“Why did men drink wine and women water?”: Questions of Gender Differences in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Orlando: A Biography, and A Room of One’s Own
Surviving Stratford High: Agency and Community in Young Adult Adaptations of Shakespeare’s Monarchical Tragedies
The Cosmic Horror of Agency in The Magnus Archives
Un'analisi dell'empatia narrativa nei racconti "animaleschi" di Dino Buzzati e Anton Koolhaas
Context is Crucial
Des châteaux aux tours, des jardins aux forêts : L'espace genré dans les Lais de Marie de France
