Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Arctische olie in het nieuws
Technology as Future Other: Exploring the Cinematic Cyborg as a Crossroads of Xenophobia and Technophobia in the Terminator and RoboCop series (1984-2014)
How Opening Everyone's Windows Eventually Locked Everyone In: A Critical Examination of Three Decades of Digital Technology
Van dat voetstuk af! Een onderzoek naar de social distance bij portretten van vrouwelijke leiders en politici in Opzij in de periode 1982-2010
Contained Behind Glass Walls: The Exclusion and the Exposure of the Madman
The Use of the Car in the American Road Trip
Pharaonic Egypt through the eyes of a European traveller and collector. Excerpts from the travel diary of Johann Michael Wansleben (1672-3), with an introduction and annotations by Esther de Groot.
What scholars think about open access.
Thumbs up! Een zoektocht naar de eigenschappen van 'sociaal nieuws'
Omstreden anticonceptiemiddelen, het vernaculaire web en institutionele expertise
De Rabobank in beeld: van expert tot fraudeur
Reading John Malkovich
'Lookeing Very Prettily...with Dutch Tyles on Each Side': Evidence of the Former New Netherlands in the 1697 Travel Journal of Dr. Benjamin Bullivant
The Accented Speech Act: When English Meets a Foreign Tongue
Discovering Rome through Joan Blaeu’s Admiranda Urbis Romæ:  the creation of the town atlas of Rome (Amsterdam, 1663) in the light of Italian-Dutch relationships in the seventeenth century
Seeing Pink: War Through a New Lens. Richard Mosse's Infrared Photography in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Cursive over typeface: the importance of teaching handwriting instead of typing
De nazaten van Gordon Gekko: Representatie van zakenbankiers in een nieuwe wereldwijde financiële crisis
Observation Point. What seeing looks like through the works of Zoe Leonard.
