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  • (-) = Political Science (MSc
  • (-) ≠ Blarel, N.
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Search results

(81 - 100 of 121)


Communist regime experience and immigrant voting behavior
Making the European neighbourhood policy work: The conditions for promoting human rights
A party cartel? The effect of party funding availability on new party entry
What explains political leaders' issue attention in live tv-interviews on current affairs programs?
Transnational advocacy networks in conflict transformation: Women, peace & security in Iraq via UNSCR 1325
Investigating the interrelation of identity and nation: The Flemish case
Colombia’s development strategy: The creation of intersectoral linkages in the oil and mining industries, 1990-2015
The influence of power disparity on compliance: A comparative case study of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism
Establishing democratic consolidation through anticorruption: A case study on Brazil
Ingroup attitudes and division under occupation
How does the issue of migration remain securitised in the central Mediterranean?
The rationality of minority governments: A study into the functioning of supporte minority cabinets
Contesting the legitimacy of transnational regimes: The power of global contestation networks
The international-domestic interface of knowledge utilization: the mixed experience of sin taxes in Colombia
The politics of poverty reduction in Indonesia
