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(41 - 60 of 330)


The use of foreign exchange reserves in the Silk Road Fund, a case of geoeconomics or economic statecraft?
The Experiences of Discrimination and Acculturation Strategies of Turkish Migrants in the Netherlands
Counterinsurgency Measures Moderating Radical Groups: A Case Study on Hizballah
The Coloniality of Migration Ethics: The Case of Undocumented Migrants
Context matters: Differences between Jordan and Lebanon in providing Syrian Refugee Education
Riding the Populist Wave: Analysing the Impact of Populist Victories on Political Party Discourse
Political strategic silence and social movements: understanding how Bolsonaro’s silence  mobilized a post-electoral social movement in Brazil
Inclusive rebel governance: The influence of lootable resources on governing civilians during conflict
Supporting the likeminded? A study on how political parties react to protest.
Militant Democracy Revisited
‘To Condemn or Not to Condemn: Comparing the Responses of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation to the Rohingya and Uyghur Genocides’
The Digital Panopticon: Examining the Impact of Digital Surveillance on Public Protest in Authoritarian Regimes
Hibernica Sententia: Attitudes Toward the European Union in Rural Ireland
Detrás de las Formas: Why do some feminist movements resort to violence? A Case Study of the Ni Una Menos Movement in México
The water scarcity – forced migration nexus in the MENA region
Electoral Politics in Ukraine`s plural society: centrifugal elites competing for median voters
Racism and International Security: A Critical Analysis of the White Savior Complex in Foreign Policy
A 'Moroccan Problem' or a 'Dutch Problem'?
