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(61 - 80 of 1,020)


Open Access Land Tenure and Ethnic Conflict
Can nudges promote individual autonomy? Yes, but not unconditionally
A Social Connection Model of Individual Responsibility to Face Climate Injustice
Women Talking: The Internationalism of the 1915 Congress of Women
Civilian Agency and Non-Cooperation in Inter-State Armed Conflict
The Role of Identity in China’s Norm Contestation in the South China Sea Conflict
“Europe without its external borders equals Europe without Schengen”: The President of the European Council as a securitising force
Global Norms, Local Practice? The localization of global norms on women’s political participation in India and Indonesia
The Conquest of Grain: Multinational Corporations in the Global Food Security Regime - A Neo-Gramscian Perspective
The partnership between European neutral states and NATO beyond the usual suspects
Mercosur: An organization on life support?
Van denkbeelden naar daden
Think Locally, Act Globally
Urgent, Actueel en Gewichtig: De rol van de Kamervoorzitter tijdens het Mondelinge Vragenuurtje
Governing migration: ‘Real trauma’ and the politics of therapeutic relationships
Economic dependence: the extent of China’s transnational repression of Uyghurs in democratic states
Security and state responses to terrorism
A Divided House: An Analysis of Parliamentary Voting Divisions in the Dutch Parliament
Mechanisms of Acknowledging Colonial Crimes
