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  • (-) = Politicologie (BSc
  • (-) ≠ Mickler, T.
  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Search results

(81 - 100 of 2,869)


Charting Corporate Compass: The Influence of the UNESCO Recommendation on Ethics of AI
A neoclassical realist account of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
On the Grand Strategies of Middle Powers during Great Power Competition in a Multiplex World
Domesticating international news: Comparison between US and China’s news coverage of the Russia-Ukraine War
The Impact of Security Crises on United States Democracy Promotion Narratives
Beyond Justice
Improving Food Security in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Multilateral Development Bank Finance
The right to dispossess?
Competing over Norms and Connectivity: Transatlantic Responses to China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Intersection Systems
EU Reflections on Vaccine Inequity during Covid-19
An Emerging Human Rights Regime: the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Torture Prevention in Southeast Asia
Balancing on Shifting Sands: The Dynamics of Strategic Hedging and Omni-balancing in the United Arab Emirates Foreign Policy
Womens Mobilisation in the Digital Age
Guarding Cyber Space: Analyzing EU Cyber Threat Perception and Defense
Negotiating Indigenous rights: The recognition of Indigenous communities through trust-building processes
From Informal to Impactful
From Party to Movement
The Bark Behind the Bite: Dissecting Government Repression during the Gezi Park Protests
