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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Advanced master thesis
  • (-) = Carroll, B.J.

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(21 - 33 of 33)


Turkish Policy on Kurds and Europeanization. Effect of Europeanization on Changing Minority Policy toward the Kurds
The Fundamental Determinants of Economic Performance
Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia: convergent or divergent macroeconomic paths towards European Union accession
To Comparability And Beyond. Compliance with HICP regulation in the European Union
Communication gap in European policy-making
Natural Resources and Good Governance: From Curse to Opportunity
Policy change in Dutch social housing
Empowerment and public service delivery of water supply and sanitation facilities. Case studies: Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru
The Influence of Leadership in Policy Implementation: A Comparative Analysis Between Pakistan and South Korea
Safety only a perception? Whether crime affects safety perception and the influence of policy in the Dutch provinces?
The actual influence of Interest organizations on the European Commission
