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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
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(21 - 40 of 578)


Sino-Indian Relations From the Perspective of the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Jing
Escaping Outbidding: Ethnic Cleavages and Electoral Institutions in Plural Democracies
A Review of Models for Community Wind Projects
Large Scale Land Acquisitions into the Tanzanian Rice Sector. Large Scale Land Acquisitions or Land Grabs?
Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity: an Analysis of Indigenous Peruvian Coffee Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: The ‘Russian Factor’ in Georgia-Ukraine Diplomatic Relations
The Securitization of Islam in Europe and Its Implications:scarf Affaires in France and Germany
Mapping Out the Functions of Traditional Authorities in Nigeria: Towards an Analytical Framework
The Domino Effect of Educational and Social Integration in The Netherlands
Paddy Farming in Malaysia: a Critical Assessment Concerning the Effectiveness of the Kada Irrigation District
A Systematic Literature Review of Where, Why, and How Youth Are Using Social Media as Tool for Empowerment in Sub-saharan Africa
Pride Assemblages: Israeli Pinkwashing in Discourses of Tel Aviv Pride 2017
An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Globalisation on Quality of Higher Education and Employability of Graduates in the 21st Century
Metabolic Syndrome and the Risk of Breast Cancer - A Prospective Study
Leadership in security ecosystems
The Emergence of Multiple Somali Polities: From Grandiose Pan-Somalism to Retreat into Clan Enclaves?
The Islamic State's sexual violence
Terrorist or murderer? On the offender characteristics of lone-actor terrorists and routine homicide offenders in Europe
