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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Breeman, G.E.
  • (-) ≠ Been, J.

Search results

(121 - 140 of 5,583)


Nuclear disasters as critical junctures
The performance effect of competition authorities on national competitiveness using intensity of competition as a mediator.
A comparative study of the UK Government’s employment crisis responses to the cases of the 2008 financial crash and the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The Dutch Administrative Elite: A look at the socio-demographic and career- educational background of the Algemene Bestuursdienst’s Top Management Group
Transcending boundaries
The Dutch defence implementation strategy regarding the concept of Multi-Domain Operations.
Feeling Gassy: Exploring the Policy Factors and Political Drivers Behind the Natural Gas Dependency in Germany
The impact of crowdsourcing outcomes on decision-making: the case of the digital initiative “Frena La Curva”
Unveiling the complexity of working together: Goal Core-Properties and Work Motivation in Collaborative Public Services
Digital voting, unsafe or unwanted?
Putin in Russia: How Authoritarian Regimes Get Hold of Bureaucracy
On the team or part of it?
Paradise is Under Her Feet
Whats-Apping the world into a safer place
Challenges to the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of the National Coordinator of Counterterrorism (NCTV)
