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(41 - 60 of 679)


Does the use of policy labs lead to a participatory policy process in the context of the Dutch energy transition?
Hoe het lerarentekort de aandachtconcurrentie van de coronacrisis trotseert
How Digital Disruptors Influence Multi-Level Governance on the EU: The Case of Airbnb and Amsterdam
Besluitvorming in ziekenhuizen tijdens een crisis
Technology in Dutch Primary Schools
The Climate Emergency: Extinction Rebellion’s influence on agenda-setting and climate change frames in parliamentary debates in the U.K.
Het Gemeentelijk Kompas
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All Bark and no Bite? Coalition/Opposition decision-making in European Municipal Councils
Een inclusief klimaat binnen de publieke sector
Inclusiveness of citizen participation initiatives: how important is it for local councillors?
Involving companies in local policy making: A case study on the Regional Energy Strategies (RES)
Viability of Civil War
