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  • (-) ≠ Koning, P.W.C.
  • (-) = Reijling, J.

Search results

(61 - 80 of 93)


A Dutch Strategic Perspective on NATO and the EU as Actors in the Realm of Cybersecurity
A Dutch Approach to the U.S. Army Concept of Human Terrain Systems? Navigating the Human and Cultural Terrain in the Dutch Context
Developing trust inside security networks
European Union Actorness in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Defining the critical success factors that can allow for a public-private partnership in cyber intelligence in the Netherlands
De beheersing van integriteitsschendingen binnen het Ministerie van Defensie
The After-effects of the DigiNotar Crisis: A Closer Look
Brussels, we could have a problem: Future European crisis management for commercial human spaceflight
Implementation strategies employed by UNODC in the fight against Human Trafficking. A Dutch perspective
Integrating risk- & crisis management at ‘Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta’ - A thin line between risk- and crisis management
Managing the human element in information security: Exploring the management practices for ISP user compliance
Exploiting Cyber Crisis. In the context of the Dutch cyber crisis management
The cyber security public private partnership in The Netherlands
De beste beveiliging tegen de laagste prijs?
Disaster governance on non-sovereign small island jurisdictions: a case study on the Caribbean country of Sint Maarten
Public and Private Cyber Defense Responsibilities
