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(81 - 100 of 106)


The Impact of Cash Conditional Transfers on Education and Youth Work in Argentina
De toelating van Hongaarse vluchtelingen in de jaren vijftig vergeleken met de hedendaagse Syrische vluchtelingenstroom naar Nederland
Tussen Toegang en Invloed
The effect of immigration on the house prices in the Netherlands
The use of evidence by Dutch policymakers: how do the characteristics of policy areas matter?
Confucian Values and Perceptions of Political Corruption in South Korea
Democratic Representation and Health: Re-Addressing the Question of Inequalities, and Its Policy Implications
The influence of salience on passive representation in international bureaucracies
De invloed van algoritmen op beslissingen: het Criminaliteits Anticipatie Systeem door de ogen van politieagenten in de basisteams van de Eenheid Amsterdam
De geframede vluchteling
Measuring Resilience to DDoS attacks
Populism & Public Administration - The Leadership of the U.S. Federal Executive Under President Trump
Exploring Pension Knowledge and Explaining Login Behaviour
Towards modelling cybersecurity behavior of healthcare employee
Privacy and educational apps for children: a holistic study within the Netherlands
