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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Zetland, David
  • (-) ≠ Bestuurskunde (BSc

Search results

(4,381 - 4,391 of 4,391)


Peace Talks Between Afghan Government and the Taliban in a Changing Regional Security Context
Learning from Past Foreign Interventions: A Comparative Case-Study of Past Interventions in Somalia
The Impact of Agency Structure on Cooperation between Anti-Corruption Agencies and Non-Governmental Anti-Corruption Organizations in Bulgaria and Romania
A Study of "hta": A Karen Oral Tradition in the Netherlands
The Future of Chinese International Relations and Maritime Security in the East and South China Sea
Navigating Health in a Volatile Environment: Asylum Seekers' Quest for Health in Berlin
Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Theory. A Comparative Quantitative Analysis Using Legal Origins
Violent Islamic Extremism in Kenya. A Study into the Causes
Focused Antenatal Care in Tanzania
Ripeness on Initiated Peace Processes in Colombia: A Case Study of M-19 (1989) and FARC-EP (1999)
