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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced Master
  • (-) ≠ Bondarouk, E.V.

Search results

(121 - 140 of 5,649)


European Autonomy in the 21st Century
Red tape bij de afhandeling van de schade door mijnbouw?
Functioning or Failing? Influence, Representation and the Fulfilment of the Transmission Belt: A study of CSOs active in EU member states
Nuclear disasters as critical junctures
The performance effect of competition authorities on national competitiveness using intensity of competition as a mediator.
A comparative study of the UK Government’s employment crisis responses to the cases of the 2008 financial crash and the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The Dutch Administrative Elite: A look at the socio-demographic and career- educational background of the Algemene Bestuursdienst’s Top Management Group
Transcending boundaries
The Dutch defence implementation strategy regarding the concept of Multi-Domain Operations.
Feeling Gassy: Exploring the Policy Factors and Political Drivers Behind the Natural Gas Dependency in Germany
The impact of crowdsourcing outcomes on decision-making: the case of the digital initiative “Frena La Curva”
Unveiling the complexity of working together: Goal Core-Properties and Work Motivation in Collaborative Public Services
Digital voting, unsafe or unwanted?
Putin in Russia: How Authoritarian Regimes Get Hold of Bureaucracy
