Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 144)


Gewapende particuliere beveiliging van koopvaardijschepen: Alle hens aan dek?
Intergemeentelijke samenwerking: De invloed van decentralisaties
Bureaucratisering en bezwaarschriften
De Wet Dwangsom: een beleidsevaluatie in het kader van de Wob bij gemeenten
Are Canadians Consistent Social Actors? Assessing Political and Climate Change Attitudes and Behaviors
Nationalism in Polyethnic Nation-States: An Analysis of Nation-Building Efforts Through Educational Policy in the Netherlands
Mind the Gap: An Analysis of South Africa's Small and Medium Enterprise Ecosystem for the Years 2005-2015
The Militarization of the United States' Police Departments
Reshaping Modern Day Craftsmanship: a Micro-Ethnography of Pianistic Education
Review of the Relationship between Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder and Electromagnetic Fields
The Destruction of Cultural Property under International Law
Peace Talks Between Afghan Government and the Taliban in a Changing Regional Security Context
The Impact of Agency Structure on Cooperation between Anti-Corruption Agencies and Non-Governmental Anti-Corruption Organizations in Bulgaria and Romania
A Study of "hta": A Karen Oral Tradition in the Netherlands
