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(41 - 60 of 580)


Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Agricultural Sector
Stage Nederlandse Ambassade, Zweden
Are the Sanctions Working on Russia? The Impact and Effectiveness of the European Union Sanctions
Publieke managers op zoek naar steun voor verandering 
Internship Parlementair Documentatiecentrum, The Hague
To Comparability And Beyond. Compliance with HICP regulation in the European Union
Securitization Theory Expanded: The Refugee Crisis in the United Kingdom and mainland Europe
Dealing With ‘The Loner’ - Civil response in a “lone wolf” terrorist attack
State-Building for Long-Term Counter-Terrorism - The Case of Libya
Het offensief realisme als verklaring voor de spanningen tussen de NAVO en Rusland
An Analysis of the Irish Republican Movement’s Strategic Communications During the Troubles in Northern Ireland
Africa's Curse and Blessing
What happens outside the office stays outside the office?
Moral Disengagement and Polarisation Among Political Extremes
What was the cause of the 2014-2016 UK overseas territories financial services reform?
The Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico: How a social movement influenced the political discourse
How to regulate the Internet of Toys in the Netherlands?
