Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
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Search results

(61 - 80 of 586)


Effective Compliance? An analysis of voluntary quality assurance certificate adoption in Dutch Higher Education
Integrating risk- & crisis management at ‘Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta’ - A thin line between risk- and crisis management
Managing the human element in information security: Exploring the management practices for ISP user compliance
Tussen Versterken en Verstoren
The (un)certainty of plastic recycling innovations
De inzet van netwerken voor het bestrijden van fraude
Data Analytics: Maturity and Willingness of Engagement in Dutch Municipalities
International perspective on ethnicity and criminality
Implementatiefase bezuinigingen: Perspectief van leidinggevenden en medewerkers belicht.
A Vicious Circle of Extractive Institutions. The European Union’s Peacebuilding Efforts in Mali
The effect of the EU Association Agreement on the rule of law development in Georgia and Armenia
Propaganda of the #Islamic State - How could it contribute to radicalization "
Ongewenschte elementen': reële veiligheidsdreiging of niet?
The struggle against jihadism. Rehabilitation and reintegration in European states, a qualitative study
De ontwikkeling van de politiek assistenten in het Nederlandse politiek-bestuurlijke systeem
Antiradicalisation. A Policy Review
The Rotterdam climate initiative. A public-private interest group coalition created to fight climate change
An exploration of Russia's military approach during the Ukrainian Crisis (2013-2015)
