Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
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  • (-) ≠ Schuurman, B.W.

Search results

(81 - 100 of 586)


Communication gap in European policy-making
Intercultural Education as a reinforcement of Multicultural Policy
Emancipeer, assimileer en emigreer. Een frame analyse van het integratiebeleid en de meervoudige nationaliteit
The End of ETA? A Multi-Level Analysis of the Basque Terrorist Group’s Decline in the 21st Century
Exploiting Cyber Crisis. In the context of the Dutch cyber crisis management
The contribution of Dutch vocational education and training schools to the prevention of anti-social behavior and youth-crime
Cost and time overruns in the infrastructure sector. The performance of integral projects
Preventie van radicalisering op middelbare scholen. Willen en kunnen Nederlandse docenten daar een rol bij spelen?
EU peace and statebuilding in Libya: success in theory and practice
De bedreiging van raadsleden, in het kader van de vluchtelingencrisis, en de gevolgen voor de lokale democratie
Rebel Diplomacy - Do interstate signals impinge on the diplomatic practice of rebel groups?
Understanding Greek Negotiation Behavior - How Hawkish Biases make sense of Greek Negotiation Behavior in June 2015
Negotiating Narratives of the Ugandan Conflict (2006-2015): International and Local NGOs Amidst Power, Truth, and Resistance
Leadership in innovation ecosystems: Optimizing public knowledge through leadership in innovation ecosystems
The explanation of the shift of public support for the Dutch Government during the aftermath of the MH17 crisis (2014-2016)
The (ir)relevance of Intimate Partner Violence Typologies for domestic violence professionals
Frontex: Securitizing agency or Human Rights bulwark?
Political Islam as a network phenomenon
