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(281 - 300 of 313)


Far from the shrines: Iraqi Shiite men in The Hague
From a Slave to the New Soviet (Wo)Man: (Socialist?) Realism in Sadriddin Ayni’s Ƣulomon
Suez's Culture of Resistance, its causes and its future.
The representation of the Coptic population in Egypt in Dutch print media
Occidentalism and Orientalism in Political Discourse in Contemporary Turkish media
Marokkaanse ontmoetingen met het wahhabisme: de politieke impact van tawḥīd en tawassul
The incongruity of the modern in Turkey: the case of Sâmiha Ayverdi
The Reversal of Iran's Family Planning Program (From 2005 to Present) as a New Nationalist Project
Intellectual Debates in the Early Turkish Republic: The Stance of Kemalist Elite towards Liberalism as a Competing Political Program
Contemporary Dance Practice in Beirut: Practical Organization, Social & Political Context, and Dance Performances
Alternative Sense of Citizenship in Ardahan: the example of Koyunpınarı
Women in the Gezi protests
Building or destroying a city's identity? Solidere's strategy for the Beirut Central District.
Among Sufi Saints
The Sunni Tribes of Iraq: Tribal consolidation, through turbulent years 2003-2009
Gender and Feminism in post-2009 Iran - Tracing a Pictorial Discourse in Mana Neyestani’s Cartoons
Hand the mic to Hanzala - Performing Authenticity in '48 Palestinian Rap
Egyptian Copts and Mubarak’s State: Was the Regime Seen as a Protector or an Enemy?
Behind Belin's Camera, The Production, Construction, and Use of Jacques Belin's Photographs in Protectorate Times (1939-1961)
