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(21 - 40 of 6,431)


Wen Yiduo's Qu Yuan and Guo Moruo's Qu Yuan:  An Encounter of Three Chinese Poets
Power and Perception: Discursive Representations of Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan Visit in the Taiwanese Media Landscape
Secular-Christian Citizens: Secularism and Religion in Dutch Integration Courses.
China: just soft power, or cultural imperialism?
Analysis of Chinese Art Display in Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum and Leiden's Wereldmuseum
Wired for Competition: Neomercantilist Dynamics in the US-China Chip War
Beyond Innocence: Oomori Seiko and the Disruption of the Japanese Idol
“This Dormitory is not a toy!”
Fainting and Death: Representations of Passivity in Richardson’s Pamela and Clarissa
Architecture as Experience
Illuminating Darkness
The Reconceptualisation of Akrasia as a Character Trait: An Exploration of Akrasia Through the Interplay Between Recurrence, Self-Deception, and Self-Control
Understanding the right to free movement: value, justice and rights in the context of contemporary mobility injustice
Social Media Influencers: Identity, Power, Authenticity and Their Consequences
Harmony, Justice & Virtue
Masalah Dansa: Opinions on Social Dancing in Indonesian Print Media, 1948–1954
