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  • (-) = Porck, M.H.

Search results

(61 - 68 of 68)


Treating Anglo-Saxon Trauma: The Role of the Reader in the Old English Elegies
Widows, Wives and Whores, From Æthelbert to Cnut
Old English Metre in Tolkien's The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and The Fall of Arthur
Kings and Queens: Modern Issues For Medieval Character Types in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire
Ungelic Is Us: An Examination of Translations of Wulf and Eadwacer.
The Influence of a Mixed Provenance on the Portrayal of Harold and William in the Bayeux Tapestry
Crossing Muddy Water and Kissing Dead Men: Placing the Hatton 115 Dream Book in its Historical Context
