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Search results

(17,701 - 17,720 of 18,721)


'Dumbledore' or 'Perkamentus'? The Case of Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Children's Literature
The Impact of Reform: Religious and Social Change in the Early Modern English Will
Van Angst tot Ergernis - Zuid-Koreaanse visies op hereniging met Noord-Korea
Hoop en vertrouwen. Een literaire interpretatie van 'de nieuwe Sappho'
De mediaombudsman: nuttiger dan ooit?
Russian correlatives: where there is a will there is a way
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster In The Context Of Civil Society
Los estudiantes indígenas en la educación superior de México
"This Is How You Are": Second-person Narrative in Postmodern Fiction
Perceiving Fricatives in Harsh Circumstances
Zelfdoding in Zuid-Korea: Verklaringen voor zelfdoding in Korea en Japan
The events surrounding the transfer of the Dutch Factory from Hirado to Nagasaki as seen in the Diaries of the Factory Chiefs
De samenwerking tussen Cornelis van Haarlem en Roelant Savery in het licht van de samenwerking tussen zelfstandige schilders in De Nederlanden tussen 1550 en 1650
The Age of Change. Newspaper Coverage on Books and Bookstores in the Netherlands, 1815-1890
Japanese progress in dismantling non-tariff measures: the pharmaceutical and medical device industry
What Women Want: Exploring Perceptions and Desires of Japanese Women Regarding Work and Family Plannin
De vroomste Sarrasijn. De representaties van Saladin in Van den coninc Saladijn ende van Hughen van Tabaryen
The Presentation of Inculturation in Christian Woodblock Prints in Late Ming China: From Evangelicae Historiae Imagines to Song Nianzhu Guicheng and Tainzhu Jiangsheng Chuxing Jingjie
