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(81 - 100 of 1,774)


A dreadful routine: African resistance during the captaincies of Jan Menkenveld, David Mulders, Daniel Pruijmelaar and Willem de Molder 1754 - 1767
Women's Labor Force Participation in Interwar Greece
Silence, Song and Speech. Euripidean women finding their  voice
“Ze hebben de herinnering aan Auschwitz bezoedeld.”
Personal Autonomy, Poverty and the Market in Kidneys
Etnisch inclusief taalgebruik in de modejournalistiek
Confidentiality in a world of open data: How OSINT journalists safeguard privacy
Burgerlijke vertegenwoordiging in VOC-steden
Zijn er landelijk en regionaal andere normen voor beladen taal?
The God-Gaze & Dust: Different Concepts of Knowledge of Nature in His Dark Materials
Caravaggio Research: A Critical Journey through Six Decades of Art Historical Inquiry (1951-Present)
Klimaatactivisme in beeld
De wortels van de vrouw
Patriotse en prinsgezinde ambachtslieden in Den Haag in de periode 1780-1800
“Syria’s “PR Problem”
De genocide van Yazedi
