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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Boogaart, R.J.U.
  • (-) ≠ Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA
  • (-) = Middle Eastern Studies (MA

Search results

(81 - 100 of 313)


Religious Expression Across Borders: Differences in Space for Religious Expression among Moroccan and Dutch-Moroccan Youth
Muslim Women's Road to Divorce
Al-Shāfiʿī’s Ḥadīth-Centrism Revisited
The power of the Palestinian woman
The Palestinian Refugee in the Arab Host-State
The Palestinian struggle on social media
The Troubled Relationship Between the PLO and the Syrian Government
Femininity, Film, and Freedom
An Indigenous Concept of Innovation?
The political economy of the energy transition in Saudi-Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates
The Warrior in The Seclusion (Khalwat)
Specters of the present: Collective memory of the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) in post-war Lebanese film
From Hobby Orientalist to Seeking Prominence: The Life, Collection, and Network of Rudolph Said-Ruete (1869–1946)
Active male protagonists versus passive female supporting characters
The Power of Feminist Documentaries and the Female Gaze:  A Case Study on Palestinian Women
(Re)presenting the nation: state building and identity formation in Ben Ali’s Tunisia (1987-2011)
The Changing Autonomy of the Rojava in Northern Syria
Child marriage in Egypt, Turkey, and the United States of America
Ahmad Shamlu: The Life and Work of a People’s Poet in 20th-Century Iran
