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(41 - 60 of 6,428)


The Impact of Kazakhization on Economic Outcomes
Returning to Green Livestock Farming?
“Stately Release”: How the Abject Reproductive System Represents the Lost Future in Ulysses
Reading Water in Ancient Poetics
Female Narratives of the Edo Period
Critical Catalyst
Farmal Subjects
Does it matter where in the Netherlands a newcomer integrates?
Melting Words
Representaciones culturales en la época del turismo globalizado
Nanyuki: Living in the Shadows of a British Army Base in Kenya
The Anatolian Words for ‘earth’ and their Indo-European Origins
Cordel de Autoria Feminina: Tradição, Subversão e Espaços Conquistados
Forged In Steel: The Origins of Japan-Rhodesia Trade and Diplomatic Relations (1924-1980)
Queer Narratives in Contemporary China
Grafting Change: Exploring the Intimacies of Plant-Human Relations at the Senegalese Urban Frontier
