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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Liebregts, P.T.M.G.
  • (-) ≠ Asian Studies (60 EC) (MA
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(61 - 80 of 7,269)


“I want to apologise to the internet”
Countering United States Influence Through Soft Balancing
Explaining the U.S. Rationale Behind NATO Enlargement
An African Giant reduced to tiny writings
Ethnotaxonomy of herding animals in the Sardinian culture
Threat Perception and Conflict Escalation: Analyzing the Escalation of the Russo-Chechen Conflicts
Ibidis interea tu quoque nomen habe
The Art of Translating Texts on Museum Labels
The Changing Political Landscape of the 2024 Senegalese Presidential Election, and the Pivotal Role of the Casamance
Person reference terms in the Southern Thai dialect: the Baba Yaya of Phuket Town (Thailand)
Xenophobia and the perspective of African migrants living in Cape Town, South Africa
Production of Tone 3 Sandhi in Reduplication and Compounds
Kritisch of klakkeloos?
The Possession Paradigm: Unravelling the impact of cross-linguistic differences on language processing
Addressing Violence Against Women in Medellín, Colombia
