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(21 - 40 of 43)


Women and the Chilean Spring of 2019
Neo-Extractivism in the 21st Century: A Socio-Environmental Perspective
From Protesters to Midlevel Security Threats Looking at the impact of politicization and militarized public security in Venezuela under Nicolas Maduro
Implementatie van het Kyotoprotocol en het Akkoord van Parijs in Latijns-Amerika: Een kwalitatief verkennend onderzoek gericht op Brazilië haar aanpak en obstakels sinds 1990.
Mexican-American Security Cooperation under the Mérida Initiative case study
Post-hegemonic regionalism in Latin America: a case study of UNASUR
De FARC en het marxisme-leninisme. De evolutie van hun politiek-ideologische ontwikkeling tijdens het presidentschap van Álvaro Uribe (2002 - 2010).
Tense ties in the Andes? The nature of the political relation between Chile and Bolivia through a framework of pragmatism and ideology
Hombre or mulher, it is all socially constructed
Oil: Venezuela's Sticky Language of Corruption?
The effect of the UPP on citizen security in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro
Buitenlandbeleid onder Lula (2003-2010): Een onderzoek naar de rol van de regio
Alternative Governance in Guatemala: Responses to Land Conflict and Criminal Violence in the Ixil
Hugo Chávez’s Foreign Policy: The Use of Oil Diplomacy as a Foreign Policy Tool to Promote the Bolivarian Revolution
Privatization of Security: The consequences and the influences the Privatization of Security creates for the Brazilian state’s sovereignty and for the Brazilian society.
Community Policing in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro (2008-2015): A Case Study of the Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPPs)
Fujimori´s politics: the effects of judicial reform on the Peruvian prison system in context of democratic breakdown
The Influences of Political Discourse in the Narrative of Newspapers in Colombia
Mexican Drug Lords in Guatemala: A Threat to the State? A Case Study of the Fall of the PRI and Drug Cartels in Guatemala (2000-2016).
