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(101 - 120 of 1,673)


Museums and Digital Technologies: To what extent can digitization of museum collections help access, promote, and preserve cultural heritage?
Beyond Truth
“Pain is Truth” Depicting General Conditions of Gender, Race, and Class in Édouard Louis’s History of Violence
Die Rolle des Trochäus bei der Pluralbildung in der luxemburgischen Sprache
Factchecken in een tijdperk van mis- en  desinformatie: een les in verticaal en lateraal lezen.
Der Furchtbarste Krieg
The Master’s Tools
Vriend of vijand
Die alte Heimat
De Partij van de Arbeid en de verzelfstandiging van de woningbouwcorporaties
Extreem geweld in de Indonesische dekolonisatieoorlog, 1945-1949
Chistianity Today
The Compatibility of The Second Sex and Intersectionality
De Meetbaarheid van Geluk
Fluid Bodies and Transgression in Petronius' Quartilla-scene
An Inventive Copy or an Authentic Reproduction?
Voices from the Global South: Early 20th Century Women's Movement for Universal Suffrage:India and Argentina as Case-Studies
