Leiden University Student Repository

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(41 - 60 of 157)


After Dark: Unveiling the Impact of Vondelpark’s Urban Design on Women’s Subjective Safety at Night
When the City Becomes a Playground: Interactions Between Children’s Playful Practices and Urban Planning in The Hague
Between Memory and Modernity: The Role of Young Estonians in Shaping the Future of Linnahall
“All colours lead to Gray”
Green Branding: A Case of La-Di-Da’s Biodegradable Housing
Worming Through The City
Cooper Square Committee and the Rise of Advocacy Planning in the Mid-Twentieth Century Manhattan
Community Engagement, Urban Resilience, and Intrinsic Value: A Study of the 'Bogotá es mi Huerta' Initiative
Defensible Spaces in the Netherlands, and the Battle Between Public and Private Space
Comparative Analysis of Plant Diversity on Intensive and Extensive Green Roofs in The Hague, Leiden, and Rotterdam
Health Elements within 20th-century Dutch Urban Planning
Healthy Landscapes: Narratives of Rural Revival
The girl and the herons
Experiencing a sense of belonging for Dutch university students with a migration background
The Internalized Community within the Anna van Buerenplein its effects on Students of the Leiden University College their Placemaking on Campus and within The Hague.
Russian-speaking women in the Dutch urban space: urban environment as a source of belonging and (potential) conflict
Russian-speaking women in the Dutch urban space: urban environment as a source of belonging and (potential) conflict
