Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Steen, Bart van der
  • (-) ≠ Bos, Dennis
  • (-) = Theology and Religious Studies (Master

Search results

(21 - 40 of 57)


Perceptions of Islam and Muslims by a Hindu Mystic A Systematic Study of Thanwardas Lilaram Vaswani’s (1879 – 1966) Thought on Islam and Muslims
Bouwen aan een Onderwijsnorm voor het vak Godsdienst/Levensbeschouwing in het Voortgezet Onderwijs
Hinduism as a World Religion
Tunnel Vision or Tunnel of Love? Ṭāhā Ḥusayn and Sayyid Quṭb’s Reactions to Nazism in the Context of Egyptian Nationalism
#nomoreislam: Geert Wilders’ beeldvorming van islam op Twitter
The Message of Matrimony. Marriage and religion in the work of Cécile De Jong van Beek en Donk (1866-1944), Dutch Feminist and French Catholic.
Raëlianism as convincing science fiction
"Framing Swedenborg": Octavius Brooks Frothingham and the epistemological problematic of 'immediate revelation'
A Comparison of Relapse Rates after Religion­-based and Non-­religion-­based Rehabilitation for Drug and Alcohol Addiction.
Supernatural Fiction as Religious Narratives
Religion and Its Counter-Tendencies
Ill on the Road. Aelius Aristides' pilgrimages from the perspective of landscape, movement and narrative.
Religious Conversion Compared
Desiderius Erasmus: a spoiler of the Roman Catholic tradition?
Brian Evenson: A movement from a position of faith to a position of unbelief
Sacralised cosmopolitanism in progressive spirituality
De Hersteld Hervormde Gemeente Katwijk en de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland
The Crystal Skull Narrative, Developing theory and methodology for the study of composite myths in new religious movements through the analysis of an exemplary narrative
One Tongue or Many? A Negotiation of Global and Local through the English Language in a Dutch Neo-Pentecostal Church
Understanding the Gezi Movement in Istanbul, artist perspectives
