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Search results

(18,361 - 18,380 of 19,390)


De houding van mannen tegenover het huwelijk in Japan
Dead and Unburied: an analysis of issues of power in three burial conflicts in Greek tragedy
Fighting fire with fire: The Buraku Liberation League and the Buraku Master Narrative in the fight for human rights
Fomenting a Sectarian Crisis? Bashar Al-assad’s Reforms of 2000s and their Impact on the 2011 Syrian Uprising
Substance over Style: Adventurous language switching on the covers of Japanese girls' fashion magazines
Greek Education in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic: Standardisation, Schoolbooks and Students
Indonesia's policy towards an ASEAN pariah: striking a balance between democratic values and constructive engagement
Toerisme en culturele verandering in Bali en Tana Toraja
Conspiracy, A Success Recipe: The Role of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories in the Work of Dan Brown
French Loanwords in Early Modern English Cookery Books
“Literary Mind” in Translation—A Comparative Study on Strategies Regarding the Translation of Cultural Terms in Wenxin Diaolong
De rol van religie in ontwikkelingssamenwerking in Ethiopië
Claiming Tibet or claiming Tibetanness? On the relationship between 'Tibet' and national identity
Working through "The Act of Killing" - a matter of judgment?
Landbouw in een megastad; een overlevingsstrategie? Casestudy: de rol van stadslandbouw in Mexico-stad
Shrek en Vulgair Modernisme
Meritocratie in de Japanse Gakureki Shakai: Ongelijkheid in het Japanse Onderwijssysteem
De herstructurering van de chaebŏl als laatste stap in de democratisering van Korea
Redeeming the colonial past: Representations of national identity through gender in contemporary South Korean cinema
Amerikaans oriëntalisme met betrekking tot de Europese economie
